When I first heard about Green Toys I was in love. They make all their toys from recycled materials and they are great quality. Good for the environment and for my pocket.
The first chance I had, I got my son the Ferri with its 2 cars. Since then, they have provided a lot of fun for him. He plays with the cars both in land and on water, and the Ferri has been on land, the bath, and the pool.
As I'm writing this, the 2 cars are in the bathtub and the Ferri is providing the fun in the pool. My son puts other cars on it, tries to sink it, and throws it from as high as he can. We have talked about why it floats and it doesn't sink as his other toys, what capsized means when the Ferri ends up upside down after being thrown, and the very basic, like how they work moving cars from one place to another.
When you are having conversations with your kids around the activities that interest them, it's very easy to insert all sort of concepts, from vocabulary, to numbers to physics. You would be surprised how much they absorb from those!
Green Toys have a great variety of toys I would love to try out (I'm looking at you, helicopter), but for now we will continue to enjoy the Ferri and the cars. Lightweight, sturdy, and from recyclable materials, I recommend them for sure.
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