I first found the Fallen Workbooks when I was looking for fun school like practice activities for my son in Amazon. The reviews for the Play Smart Early Learning workbook were excellent so we bought that one. Once we got the boon I LOVED it and was already planning to buy a second one when I had a chance.
A month or so after I was running around in Costco and saw the Ginormo workbook and for $8.99 I just grabbed it without a second thought and brought it home. For the first time today (about a month after I bought it) I noticed the book is also a Fallen workbook! No wonder the book had the same playful type of activities.
The both come with tons of activities and stickers both for some of them and for a good job sticker for each activity. My son usually does between 3 and 5 activities in each sitting because he really enjoys them. He has used his fingers, scissors, ripping paper, and colored. We have done matching, pretend play and even origami!
I can already see the Ginormo workbook is more advanced which is clear in the cover so no surprises, but it's ok to push our kids a little bit each time. Just do it when you can be very patient and be ok with them doing the activities their own way :)
The books
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