Yesterday we had a bad afternoon and evening. As we tried to survive the last hour before going to bed, we all lost it. So much screaming, so much fighting. I went to the kitchen, grabbed the TV and hid it in the basement. A message to my 3 year old that TV was off limits, tomorrow there would be no TV.
So, how can we survive working from home without the TV? We can't. I had no choice though. Toddlers are not meant to be in front of the TV, they crave connection with other people. Even when he is watching something, he is constantly asking me what I am doing (working) and why (to make money?). So I took the day off work and took him out the house.
Not everyone has the privilege of taking days off work so I'm happy and blessed. This morning we kept fighting to make him eat breakfast and dressed but once we were on the car, everything was much better. We took a drive where out of nowhere he said "I like music mommy, I'm happy", and now we are seating next to a small dam. Listening to the running water and the birds, talking and connecting.
Today there is no TV for him, today we connect.
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